As American Energy Technologies Co. approaches our company’s 15-year anniversary (May 31, 2024), we are pleased to formally announce the opening of AETC’s brand-new, state-of-the-art, dedicated energy systems and industrial graphite & carbon processing facility located in Wheeling, IL. The new facility formally commenced operations on January 3, 2024.
AETC’s investment in this location began in 2021 with a complete renovation of the existing industrial building, which had stood vacant for over three years. In addition to full renovation of the original building, an entirely new building was constructed, working closely with the Village of Wheeling and a cohort of trusted contractors. A top-of-the-line processing facility in the advanced green energy segment of batteries, materials, and specialty systems markets will be housed in the new and renovated manufacturing plant.

In order to create a modern and a unique space, unlike the warehouse-type building common within Chicagoland’s industrial areas, the new plant comes complete with a courtyard, numerous skylights, multiple aesthetic workshop and rest areas for employees, a significant power upgrade, and other elements which allow the building to stand out. While undergoing permitting and construction, the facility passed the Energy Efficiency New Construction, Expansion and Renovation Program Certification from local power provider ComEd. The certification attests that operations will be highly energy-efficient within the new facility. Moreover, AETC made several other environmental improvements and corporate commitments within the new space, including the implementation of a recycling program, providing natural light to offices, lab and plant areas, the planting of bushes and trees, and the planned implementation of a native plant and pollinator garden within the courtyard so as to aide in habitat development.
Throughout the three-year construction period, AETC sustained twenty high-level engineering and manufacturing positions. The company plans on doubling this number to support its range of exciting commercial projects, growing daily, as well as its work closely aligning with the United States Government and the sustainment of its Defense Industrial Base. AETC will also continue to foster its internship program, continuing our focus on equal employment opportunities within the STEM disciplines, working with leading colleges and universities nationwide and locally. AETC is actively becoming acquainted with the local high school districts in order to insert ourselves within the community, sparking interest in the STEM field for high school students within the area through participation in career-day opportunities or our year-round internship program. The new manufacturing site of AETC is located less than a mile from the Wheeling, IL train station, which services the North Central Metra service, as well as has a city bus stop for local commuter public transportation right near the premise, at the beginning of Alice St., adding to the convenience of our new employment site.
AETC is proud to have completed this project without direct support from the US Government or the monetary support from venture or equity capital, instead using funds generated from revenue stream of our privately held, woman-owned organization. We are thrilled to have commissioned this site despite restrictions due to post-COVID era-related material shortages and price inflation in building materials, cost of services and supplies. The construction process itself involved staff from myriad occupations, and collectively supported more than one hundred trades employees, starting in 2021 and lasting through early 2024. Many of these construction jobs were local to the Cook County, Illinois area as AETC made it a priority to support locally owned businesses such as our own.
The company plans to host a grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony, celebrating the completion of our new processing facility. Invitations of attendance will be extended to our Congressional delegation, alongside many of our customers and partners, a welcome highlight and celebration of our upcoming 15-year anniversary.
AETC’s Manager of Government Relations, Ms. Anna Doninger, was quoted regarding her thoughts on the new building, saying, “It’s been so exciting to watch the acquisition and construction of this building unfold these past three years. Having been with AETC since 2016, starting as an intern and becoming full-time in 2022, it’s been so rewarding to watch the company grow, as well as grow alongside the company. The entirety of 2023 was filled with constant conversation between employees about when we would be moving in, the anticipation growing stronger each month. Now that we have been in the facility for just over three months, the difference is night and day. Everyone has their own space, which has been great. Offices have been decorated, plants have been bought, the overall temperament of everyone seems to be much more chipper and optimistic. Though we are all just as busy as ever, it is far easier to be busy in this new space. So many positive changes have been implemented in the short time we’ve been at the new building. I have wanted a recycling program to be executed since I was an intern, but unfortunately, we were unable to have one at the previous facility. Now that we are in our own space, it’s been great to see the inclusion of a recycling service. I’m looking forward to spending my lunches during the summer out in our spacious courtyard, taking in the fountain and upcoming butterfly garden. The entirety of this venture, though long, has proved to be quite rewarding already. I believe this will be an exciting development and addition for Wheeling, as well as the graphite and carbon industry, as this facility will have significant implications for the inevitable emergence of a domestic supply chain for graphite and energy systems in the United States. It is inspiring to think where this new facility can lead us as a company, and I know we are all hopeful for what it will bring.”