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AETC is actively involved in the research, development, and engineering of new ballistic armor packages that protect the U.S. Warfighter and its equipment in the modern battlefield. We address issues of ballistic panel design, propose technologies for making conformal coatings, design packages that work with the raised bottom of a vehicle, protecting from IED blasts, reducing the weight of ballistic packages as a result of application of new and improved materials, minimizing the non-performance gaps in a stack between the individual panels, and reducing costs. AETC operates a press capable of reaching pressure in excess of 7GP while reaching temperatures in excess of 1,500 C in a controlled environment. This allows us to test a variety of new and emerging material solutions for the application at hand.

Introducing New and Improved Lightweight Passive Ballistic Armor for Military and Cash Logistics Vehicles.

American Energy Technologies Company has conceived and herewith offers a new and innovative technology of vehicle-grade hybrid armor system to potential end-users in the United States and allied government communities. The primary intent of our armor panels is to defeat the M2 0.3 cal AP rounds and 20 mm FSP (a test simulating an IED blast near military vehicle).

When placed on the exterior body of a vehicle, AETC panels will feature a “non-performance” margin next to none. This, we believe, is a very strong factor in favor of our technology. If the non-performance margin is kept to a minimum, the chances are slim that a penetrator from an AP bullet or an exploded projectile could slip through the armor layers without being deterred by its functional parts.

For reference, many armor systems on the US market today are believed to feature a non-performance gap of up to 3” – an issue of serious concern in areas like the NIJ, which regulates the body armor system specifications. Also, our lightweight panels would be made out of non-corrosive materials.

AETC is set up to run our own ballistic tests, closely mimicking the applicable NIJ standards. We do these tests at a private firing range in Indiana were we test our armor with M2/M1 0.3 cal AP.

Tests conducted to date indicate significant enhancement of V50 ballistic performance with armor panels prepared by AETC vs industry standard controls. AETC panels would be available at a fraction of the cost of present-day ceramic ballistic armor.

We encourage interested organizations to contact a representative of American Energy Technologies Company with specifics of your ballistic application.

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