AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC celebrates its multi-year experience with battery electrochemistry. We make and test a variety of batteries and cells representing at least 15 commercially-viable cell chemistries. Most of our products are customized and are designed to fit form-factored applications which are often proprietary to our customers.
AETC introduces its capabilities in battery design and assembly. We take pride in our in-house production of a range of battery types, including alkaline, lithium primary, zinc air, and lithium ion batteries and their respective chemistries.
AETC introduces its capabilities in battery design and assembly. We take pride in our in-house production of a range of battery types, including alkaline, lithium primary, zinc air, and lithium ion batteries and their respective chemistries.
With its line of activated carbons, AETC offers a set of innovative solutions to industrial off-gas purification. Highly porous, high surface area activated carbon, tailor-made to fit the most demanding off-gas scavenging applications, can be used in bulk, or in pelletized form, to collect undesired impurities from the industrial off-gas streams before they enter the main stack. AETC uses organic, biodegradable precursors in making activated carbon, contributing to sustainability and low costs.
At AETC, we produce a range of activated carbon using fluidized bed reactors. The material which comes out of the reactor is suited for selective absorption of environmentally harmful off-gases from industrial plumes.
First, granulates composed of activated carbon are placed on perforated shelves of reactors, which we design and manufacture in-house. Gas is siphoned through these reactors via the exhaust vent, and the inferior materials are absorbed onto the surface of the activated carbon. Then, after a certain amount of time, the reactor is disassembled, and the carbon is collected, re-activated, cleaned, and potentially re-used.
We operate sophisticated Japanese machinery to granulate activated carbon, and we are able to produce granules specified for various design criteria. One of the methods used to define the appropriate granule shape and size for a specific application is called tap density. This test is used to analyze the packing characteristics of powders. The best packing density was defined by mathematician Gauss in the late 1800s—he referred to spherical particles as having the best packing density, as these particles could pack up to 74% of occupied space, with a remaining 26% of voids. Sometimes, this void porosity is necessary for the safe passage of gas through systems, but sometimes it may create added hydraulic resistance in the reactor, preventing gasses from passing through into the scrubber. Therefore, we change the shape of the carbon particles to slightly irregular, but still 3-dimensional, to adjust the packing density to meet the engineered goal. That said, for some processes, the 26% void space is excessive. In this case, we create a sorbent material, the particle size of which is based on a combination of larger– and smaller-sized spheres in a so-called bimodal particle size distribution. We offer customers and interested parties tailored porosity and reduced hydraulic resistance at optimum system-scrubbing efficiency.
Engineering teams interested in enhancing their off-gas treatment systems are encouraged to reach out to an AETC representative and explore if our activated carbon-based sorbet technology is relevant to your operations.